Did you know Obama is from Kansas? Tell a true Chicago native that you're happy to see one of their own in the process, and he/she will let you know that there is no one from Chicago running for President. The Deacon loves to see people's reactions when they find out he's from Kansas!
The campaign of Hope and Change. Can we see an example of when the junior Senator has done, well,
anything? What does he know about Hope and Change having worked in the IL state legislature? Does he have the experience to lead this country on a path of Hope and Change? "Cheney and Rumsfield had all the experience in the....." yeah, and they weren't President! Enough with talk! This country, its people, need action!
The Deacon must admit, he thought of Obama as the future of the D party and the country - if he showed something in the Senate and ran in 2012. Now, the more the Deacon looks at Obama, the more he does not like what he sees, in fact, though the Deacon will never endorse a candidate on this blog until a general election, he will go so far as to say that Obama should not be President this time around. The Deacon is very rarely wrong with his impression of people, and will just say, it would be the most disappointing, ineffectual Presidency in history. One hundred years from now, in an American History class, students would have a tough time remembering who came after GWB, besides the fact that he was the first African American President. Right now, we need better than that.