Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Global Warming

Saw somewhere where a person was saying that the climate bill doesn't cost as much as the "global warming caused drought" in Texas. The Deacon doesn't disagree that there might be a problem we need to work on, but you best prove that droughts nowadays are caused by 'global warming' before saying shit like that. I'm pretty sure no one can prove that what we are experiencing right now is not cyclical.


The Deacon wonders why its obnoxious for this conversation to happen:

"Yeah, just got married." "Oh, you gettin any?"

But not this one:

"Yeah, just got married." "Any kids?" "Not yet." "Working on that?"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Few Things

1- If you want to be on the Supreme Court, the Deacon could care less if you "felt out of place" at your Ivy League school, boo fucking hoo - because I couldn't afford an Ivy League school, I felt out of place at my state school

2 - If countries like Cuba are upset that one of our alternative fuel focuses is on ethanol - all the corn we grow and use for it should be sent to poor countries, don't you know? - how do they feel about all the corn we grow to simply feed livestock? That's right, we care more about our animals than about the fact that you don't know how to run a country and take care of your people.

3 - Health care for all. Does the price scare you? Do you realize, that price is based on America's health right now? If people have insurance and can go to a doctor when they only have a cough rather than waiting for the pneumonia to kick in, that will cost us much less - whether we fund it or not. To all the politicians and pundits who talk about what this will cost, uh, politicians, we already pay for your health insurance. That's not HIPPA, that's HIPPO.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Finding Ways to Pay for Ideas

The Deacon always find it amusing that when government looks to fund a new idea, its first thought is to raise taxes - on the state and federal level. Of course, raising taxes simply automatically creates the necessary cash flow to fund these ideas, God forbid a legislature ever have to actually think and work on examining what is being spent on different projects, and manipulating what it already has to fit what needs to be done. No, that'll never happen, just tax the people more, then we don't have to work.

It's just a damn shame voters are so lazy. Far too many people hold elected office that have absolutely no businesses doing so, but to energize voters to do something about that, never gonna happen.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Marriage Equality

The Deacon was recently in NY working on getting the Marriage Equality bill passed through the NY State Senate. Thank you to the donkeys that make up that body for leaving that work unfulfilled. No one currently a NY State Senator should be re-elected.

While working on it, the Deacon decided calling it "marriage equality" rather than "gay marriage" better highlights the real issue. In NY, married couples are entitled to 1324 more benefits than same-sex couples or domestic partners by law. Does that seem right to you? If it does, you make the state senate there look functional.

A problem, though, is that too many people are placated by the fact that they can drive to Canada, VT, NH, or MA, get married, come back to NY, and be recognized as a domestic partnership. That's a victory? For whom?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So, after giving some thought on what this blog should be, here is what it will be.

Rarely more than a paragraph or 2 in a post - just a simple thought on a topic. Once in a while, a lecture will most likely emerge.

Deacon Adams wrote letters signed as "amicus populi" I made the name of the blog "Friend of the people" in honor of that. He does the writing in it, so he will be writing in the 3rd person. Why? "I think this" is weaker than "The Deacon thinks this." That simple.