Thursday, July 9, 2009

Marriage Equality

The Deacon was recently in NY working on getting the Marriage Equality bill passed through the NY State Senate. Thank you to the donkeys that make up that body for leaving that work unfulfilled. No one currently a NY State Senator should be re-elected.

While working on it, the Deacon decided calling it "marriage equality" rather than "gay marriage" better highlights the real issue. In NY, married couples are entitled to 1324 more benefits than same-sex couples or domestic partners by law. Does that seem right to you? If it does, you make the state senate there look functional.

A problem, though, is that too many people are placated by the fact that they can drive to Canada, VT, NH, or MA, get married, come back to NY, and be recognized as a domestic partnership. That's a victory? For whom?

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Yes, why cross a boundary just to have equal rights?