Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Superman, or, the Most Inetersting Man in the World

There are plenty of people out there who think of President Obama as some sort of Superman. Well, the Deacon is sorry, but there's at least one person he doesn't quite match up to, yet. Honestly, can you picture O going to N Korea and doing what Bill Clinton did yesterday? No, he'd be too worried about offending someone along the way, but Bill? Let it roll, Bubba!

Sure, there was probably plenty of work done in the background of this event, but what the man did was akin to a "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercial. He didn't just get the reporters pardoned, he came home with them the same day. Of course, would he be Bill Clinton if he didn't pick up 2 girls to bring home with him? Is there anyone else in the entire world who we could expect this from? No.

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