Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yard Signs

Now, whether or not yard signs work in political campaigns is debatable, but, the Obama sign that read "I'm a Yard Sign, I can't vote. Go knock doors." is a pathetic argument. Go ahead, knock on a door, be lied to by the person you're talking to. Make some calls, have people look at their caller ID and not answer the phone. Help a 70 year old handicapped couple, a guaranteed vote, show their support with a yard sign, and demonstrate to a community where your candidate is not taken seriously that he/she should be. What makes more sense?

The thing is, all 3 are necessary - signs, door knocking, and calls. You knock all the doors you want, make all the calls you can, but if the people you miss out talking to don't see community support, they don't care. But, your all experts at this now, right? Your first time out, hook onto a rock star, and everything you did was golden? Stay in the game a bit, you're sure to be disappointed if you think that's how it works.

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